Friday, January 18, 2013

Creation Moment 1/19/2013 - 10th Manu

This is the book of the generations of Adam.
Genesis 5:1
Telescoping is taking an actual historical event and as it spreads out over time, the story changes--but some core elements are still present as well-in various ones- tidbits of different details.

Take the story from the ancient Asiatic Indian Puranas and Brahmanas. A sreies of 10  Manu's descend from the gods at creation. The tenth Manu is the one where the global flood occurs. Did you get that-not just about a global flood--but the 10th manu?
Where have we heard the "10th" before? Hmmm....? Let's see....
1) Adam
2) Seth
3) Enos
4) Cainan
5) Mahaleel
6) Jared
8) Methuselah
9) Lamech
10) NOAH........................