Saturday, December 22, 2012

IN the NEWS - Vietnam Vet & Missionaries Bible

It took 43 years to return murdered missionaries' blood-stained Bible to their family, but Vietnam Vet Hugh Catron is relieved that his mission is finally accomplished.
"(Indianapolis, IN)—Vietnam vet Hugh Catron knew Ed and Ruth Thompson when they were missionaries in Vietnam in 1967. But during the ensuing TET Offensive, Catron found them massacred.
According to a Fox59 News report, Ed and Ruth were clutching each other so tightly when they died, they could not be separated. In their hands, they also held a blood-stained Bible, and it became Catron's lifelong desire to make sure that Bible was reunited with Thompson's family.
The report notes that Catron eventually sent an e-mail to the Christian and Missionary Alliance which had ties to the Thompsons.
The Thompson family is, of course, enormously grateful for the gift, as is Catron.
"Mission accomplished," he said. "It only took 43 years, but mission accomplished."
And they cried with a loud voice, saying,
How long,
O Lord, holy and true,
dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Revelation 6:10