Saturday, December 29, 2012

IN the NEWS -Death Penalty from "Mother Earth" lovers called for

Recently a professor named Richard Parncutt called for the death penalty for what he calls "climate skeptics" over man made global warming. He is serious. He is actually of the mindset that those who deny man made global warming (I'm one of those) actually deserve the death penalty!....

This ties into some of my recent blogs about how the secular left (for Mother Earth) could join with the Christian right (for Father God) in enforcing the mark of the beast as a compromise by both sides, but for different reasons.

Natural disasters are so bad one side wants to honor Father God and the other blames it on an angry Mother Earth that needs to be appeased. Either way, the appeasement is for Father God or Mother earth in these peoples minds will be by persecution, and the death penalty, for those who resist.
One side sets aside a day to honor Father God & the other side compromises, joining in setting that day aside to reduce "global warming" by letting the earth rest that day....can anyone say the "day of the sun"? Knew U could......

....and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator,.. Romans 1:25