Saturday, December 29, 2012

Creation Moment 12/30/2012 - No cryovolcanoes on Titan

"Tiger Stripes" on the Saturn System moon
Enceladus, caused by cryovolcanoes....which
none have been found on Titan
The atmosphere of one of the moons of Saturn, Titan, is supposed to have already have collapsed to the surface based on the evolutionary model. When the methane erodes enough it should allow the nitrogen to freeze, thus causing the collapsing of the atmosphere. It should take only about 10,000,000 years based on evolutionary models (due to erosion based on the solar wind)---yet this has not happened and the Saturn system is thought to be billions of years old.
So the theory was put forward that there must be cryovolcanoes to replenish methane from an underground source--yet NONE has been found to date......
Could it be that the evolutionary timescale is wrong? Me thinks so.......Could it be that the Saturn system & Titan are only thousands of years old? Me thinks so......

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Hebrews 11:3