Saturday, December 15, 2012

Creation Moment 12/16/2012 - British Government War on Creationism

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:22
"Today, the BBC published an article reporting that, starting in 2013, all free schools in England will have to teach evolution as a “comprehensive and coherent scientific theory.” The director of the New Schools Network, Rachel Wolf, commented that in her opinion, free schools are already under obligation to teach evolution in science. At the same time she echoed the voice of humanist Andrew Copson and showed her approval of the government’s commitment to evolutionary teaching.

Rachel Wolf, head of New Schools Network for British Govt.
Leading War to Stamp out Creationism in non-state run schools
Also she is under investigation for awarding Govt. contracts to her former boss
So teaching creation in non-state schools that receive government funding is allowed if creation is only taught in the religion class. Biblical creation must be kept out of the science classroom, where evolution must be taught as the most evidenced and supported “theory” of origins.
How should Christians respond to this situation?
First, the article quotes Dr. Berry Billingsley of Reading University as saying that “evolution is a fantastic theory and explains so much about how humans come to be here.” Every Christian needs to be informed that evolution is not even a theory to begin with.
A theory requires an initial hypothesis that can be confirmed or denied through the application of observational science. Scientists are certainly able to collect facts about the evidence before them and study such things as mutations and DNA—and even notice similarities and differences—but they can never test unrepeatable events in the past. Even when scientists are able to observe natural selection, they are only observing what happens with genetic information that already exists.
Second, the article also reports how humanists are concerned that creationists will find ways to circumnavigate the law so they can teach “creationism” as science. Christians also have a wonderful response to these concerns. We are not trying to teach “creationism” as science. Our desire is to teach science as science and to define science properly. I have often heard my brother Ken ask people a question when he is confronted with a query about science. He asks them to define science, and then I hear him eloquently explain the key differences between operational science and historical (origins) science.
Third, when it comes to historical science, there is no difference between education and indoctrination. If a school chooses to accept government funding and communicate to children that evolution is real history and creation is a religious story, then that school is effectively agreeing to indoctrinate children with a secular religion of our day. At this point, it seems like the only schools that have freedom for Christian education in England are ones that do not rely on government funding and take a foundational stance on the authority of God’s Word.
Because of the attack on the Word of God in our education systems (and many other areas), the next generation is asking crucial questions about the origins of life, age-dating methods, dinosaurs, and many other subjects—including the very meaning of human existence. They are essentially asking whether the Bible can be trusted. These are not just children in non-Christian homes but even those who are brought up in theologically conservative homes. These children go to school, where evolution is presented as fact, and then they go to church, where biblical history is sadly portrayed as mere “Bible stories.”" AnswersInGenesis