Monday, December 10, 2012

Creation Moment 12/10/2012 - Creation Scientist William Robin Thompson

William Robin Thompson (1887-1972) was a creation scientist from Canada. He was the top etomologist in his country. For the hundredth year anniversary in Canada of the printing of Darwin's Origen of the Species, Mr. Thompson was asked to write the introduction. He used the oppurtunity over the 16 pages he wrote to criticize Darwinism.
He would later face cencorship in Canadian circles for his criticism of theisitic evolutionist Tielhard de Chardin.
Thompson wrote "The situation where scientific men rally to the defense of a doctrine they are unable to define scientifically, much less demostrate with scientific rigor, attempting to maintain its credit within the public by the suppression of criticis and elimination of difficulties, is abnormal and undesirable in science." From his Introduction to Origin of the Spcies

His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant:
Matthew 25:21