Thursday, November 15, 2012

SCAM ALERT - The Benjamin Generation (Ben Gen) of Joseph Prince

$$$ SCAM ALERT $$$
This Benjamin Generation talk of Jospeh Prince is also known to some as the Ben Gen.... This theology of Joseph Prince is the deceptive idea that because Joseph blessed his brother Benjamin with 5 times as much as his brothers, (Benjamin’s serving was five times as much Genesis 43:34) that God will give His final generation of people 5 times as many blessings--both spiritual AND material in this world... It is just a ploy for a new spin of juicing up his prosperity gospel message. And the final generation is "now" according to Mr. Prince....
The Ben Gen is in for a surprise, for I would venture to guess that since Mr. Prince has been preaching this twisted doctrine his decieved followers have NOT recieved a 5 fold blessing in this life... Just guessing.....
This is just a ploy by Joseph Prince to get excited the prosperity gospel/fluff/cheap grace crowd and gain a corner on the market of this crowd.....

For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine;
but, having itching ears,
will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts;
2 Timothy 4:3 ASV
P.S. ... how repulsive...using the beautiful story of Joseph in order to play on the emotion of the people to convince them that God is going to bless them 5 times more than those of the past with things in the here and now.....which has NOTHING to do with the story...And yes, Mr. Prince wrote a book about it-$$$