Friday, November 9, 2012

Medjugorje Deception of "Mary"

For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

Mark 13:22

"Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina: Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

According to six visionaries, as well as millions of believers, the Virgin Mary began appearing in the tiny Balkan village of Medjugorje (med-you-gor-yeh) on June 24th, 1981. She has appeared every day since. Her messages, intended for all humanity, ask people to place God first in their lives.

The visionaries…Ivan, Marija, Ivanka, Jakov, Vicka and Mirjana… claim that Gospa -- the Croatian word for 'Our Lady' -- has been giving them each ten secrets concerning the future of the world. These secrets are said to include miracles and worldwide events that will be sent by God to convert humanity. The daily apparitions stopped for Mirjana, Ivanka and Jakov after they received all ten secrets. However, Ivan, Marija and Vicka still see the Virgin Mary every day.

The Bishop of Mostar is not supportive of the Medjugorje apparitions, but the Vatican continues to show a great deal of interest. In fact, many bishops, priests and other clergy claim that Pope John Paul the Second strongly believed in Medugorje. He had met personally with at least three of the visionaries. After Pope John Paul II's death, the Medjugorje visionary Ivan saw him during an apparition with Our Lady. The Pope appeared young and joyful.

Although miracles have been recorded at most Marian apparition sites of the past, it can be said that miracles are daily occurrences in Medjugorje. Recently, a bronze statue representing the Risen Christ in Medjugorje began seeping a watery substance. This occurrence, already attributed to miraculous healings, is believed by some to represent water as a means of purification. Other "Little Miracles" include the common miracle of the sun, where people can look directly at the sun without any discomfort and often see it "dance" around the sky."

Sorry our catholic friends...Mary is DEAD & awaiting the resurrection as others are...those "visionaries" are either lying or are themselves decieved by something...and that something isn't from God....

According to Wikipedia-

"On June 24, 1981, young Mirjana Dragicevic and Ivanka Ivanković reported seeing an apparition of the Virgin Mary in a village in what is now Bosnia-Herzegovina. The following day another vision was reported, this time also by four other young people: Marija Pavlović, Jakov Colo, Vicka Ivanković, and Ivan Dragicevic.
The children claim that they saw an apparition on the hill Crnica (on the place called Podbrdo); the alleged apparition was a white form with a child in her arms. Surprised and scared, they did not approach. The next day at the same time four of the youths returned, and were later joined by the other two.
For several years the six visionaries reported seeing daily apparitions from the Virgin Mary and Međugorje became crowded with pilgrims. It has been reported that Our Lady of Međugorje has been appearing daily to three of these visionaries ever since, some say that they have stopped having daily apparitions.
At the time of the first alleged apparition Vicka Ivanković was sixteen years old. She claims to have prayed with Our Lady and talked to her; she also claims to have been given nine "secrets". Her alleged visions are related to the Italian writer and mystic Maria Valtorta, in that Mary told Vicka: “If a person wants to know Jesus he should read Maria Valtorta”.
Her "prayer mission", said to have been given by the Blessed Virgin Mary, is to pray for the sick. Vicka says that her daily apparitions have not yet stopped. Vicka claims to have received a biography of Mary's life, contained in two hand written notebooks, which Vicka has said will be published when the Blessed Virgin Mary tells her to do so."