Friday, November 16, 2012

SDA News - SabbathKeepers discovered in Nigeria
"Church leaders in Nigeria recently learned about a small community of believers who began keeping the Sabbath, despite never having met an Adventist. Dowell Chow explains where they heard the church’s message of hope.

I’d like to take you on a trip with me to the northern part of Nigeria, where sixteen people began listening to our programs in the Hausa language, Hausa is one of the major languages produced in Nigeria. News came to the president of the union there were people keeping the Sabbath in that part of the country and wanting to know what was going on, he himself took it upon himself to go there and travel by train, and by boat, and by motorbike, and walking to this church and he found a group of believers meeting in a small church on a land donated by one of the believers in the community.
Elder Owolabi, the president of the union met with these people and his words are, “This was the best Sabbath I have ever spent in my life.” He was so thrilled to hear what was happening with the radio programs, he came back to the union and asked the committee to allocate funds continually to support the radio programs in his country. Today, there is a church in that region and there are many more communities surrounding this area hearing about the programs of Adventist World Radio through the radio in the Hausa language. Today the church in northern Nigeria is growing stronger and stronger thanks to the radio programs that we air in Igbo language and Hausa language, our producers are preparing programs that will reach the hearts of the people and teaching them the way of the Lord through the gospel message of Adventist World Radio." ANN
Now therefore,
our God,
we thank thee,
and praise thy glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13