Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Creation Moment 11/7/2012 - Complicated Brain of Cambrian Creature

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
"Scientists in China recently discovered that a supposedly simple, ancient creature had an unexpectedly complicated nervous system. The creature was an extinct arthropod found in Cambrian rocks, and it had remarkably preserved nervous tissues that showed it had a three-lobed brain connected to fully developed eyestalks.

In the evolutionary scheme, Cambrian fossils represent creatures from an ancient time when they had only recently emerged from unidentified sub-animal life forms. As such, evolutionists expect Cambrian creatures to be more complicated in structure than their supposed precursors, but simpler than their more "highly evolved" descendants.

But the researchers found that this presumably extinct ocean-dwelling arthropod had a brain that was no less complicated than modern arthropods, such as shrimp, centipedes, or insects. The study appears in the journal Nature. One of the authors is University of Arizona neurobiologist Nicholas Strausfeld, who told the AFP, "No one expected such an advanced brain would have evolved so early in the history of multicellular animals."

But that is not accurate. Maybe few evolutionists expected such advanced animal structure in supposedly ancient deposits, but creationists certainly did. For example, the Institute for Creation Research reported in 2011 about the discovery of modern shrimp-like eye fossils: "Advanced eyes in Cambrian fossils are no surprise to Bible-believers, who understand that God made shrimp with fully formed eyes from the beginning."