Thursday, November 1, 2012

Call for more SDA prison chaplains

Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Matthew 25:36
"Imagine a city where everyone walks to work, wears the same clothes and lives in the same type of house – no stores, restaurants or parks exist, everything is painted the same. Bars cover the windows, all doors are locked and cameras record every action for security. Does such a city sound like a desirable place to live? No, because it is home, heartbreak hotel for over ten million inmates in the world’s prisons. Who ministers to them when they receive a letter informing them their spouse wants a divorce or a family member has died. While periodic visits by church jail bands to local prisons are helpful, a chaplain is needed to be the full time pastor for inmates and prison staff. 
In 1878, Adventist church leader, Ellen G White conducted a religious service in the Oregon State Penitentiary at Salem. More correction chaplains are needed today and opportunities for Adventist ministers to serve open frequently, contact your Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries department for more information or to apply for Ecclesial endorsement." AdventistNewsNetwork