Saturday, October 13, 2012

SDA Issues - Warren G. Harding -- Snared

"It would be pefrectly safe for our youth to enter the colleges of our land if they were converted every day: but if they feel at liberty to be off guard one day, that very day satan is ready with his snares, and they are overcome and led to walk in false paths - forbidden paths,...and the teaching is so intermixed with error and sophistry, that they cannot discern the poison of sentiment mingled with the useful and precious."
Manuscript 8b, 1891 E.G.W.
President Warren G. Harding was a 7th Day Adventist until he went to a secular college and was susceptible to the myth of evolutionary thinking and became an atheist. When running for President, he adopted the religion of his wife (Baptist) for the campaign since his advisors suggested it would cost him votes to be labled an atheist for the election. Sounds like a young Mr. Harding felt at liberty to be off guard in college....
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
1 Peter 5:8