Monday, October 29, 2012

SDA News - Congo Orphanage

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless....
James 1:27
"On September 9, 2012, a dedication ceremony was held for the completion of the Angels and Children Orphanage in Rukanga, Congo. Construction was completed with the help of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency’s (ADRA) support, and the financial assistance of a sponsor from Brazil. It is able to accommodate 23 children at the present time.

Pioneer Missionary Movement (PMM) missionary, Jung, Hyo Soo, named it “Angels and Children.” He said, “There are a lot of sponsors who are like angels, which inspired the name. It is difficult to manage financially every month because we need approximately $1000.00 USD to pay our bills.

After the service, they had a small party, sharing goat meat, some fruits, and beverages. Even special bread was shared which was made at Bethlehem Bakery which is an Adventist bakery in the Congo."

SDA Northern Asia-Pacific Division