Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Creation Moment 10/3/2012 - Ken Ham Responds To Mr. Nye

"As many of you know, Bill Nye the “Science Guy” (of PBS TV) recently posted a video on YouTube entitled “Creationism is not appropriate for children.” This video received over 4.7 million views. AiG responded with YouTube videos, blog posts, and an article. But really, one of the best ways to counter Bill Nye is to reach as many children as we can personally, with the truth of God’s Word—and that’s what we continue to do.

Yesterday, in Lawrenceville, Georgia, we were thrilled to see hundreds of kids (1,500) pouring into our school assemblies.

I made sure all these young people understand that God created the universe in six literal days about six thousand years ago and that most of the fossils came from the Flood about 4,300 years ago. Yes, thousands upon thousands of children are learning the truth, and we are making sure that we can reach as many children and young people as we can, including at our Creation Museum. Bill Nye, who is really the “Humanist guy,” is out to get kids and brainwash them into secularism and atheism.

Yes, Bill Nye has inspired me to be even more fervent in teaching children God’s Word. I made sure all the kids I taught yesterday understood the meaning of the word fiction. I had them call out that the word fiction means “not true.” I gave the children a talk about the seven ages of dinosaurs based on the Bible. And the seventh age (the one we now live in) is called fiction. At the end of the session, I was able to ask students to name some things that are fiction—meaning “not true.” They called out the following:
  • Millions of years
  • Evolution
  • Ape-like creatures turning into humans
Yes, they know now these things are fiction.
Pray for all these children as they are so bombarded by the world’s fiction all around, as the Enemy attempts to capture their hearts and souls for secularism!" KEN HAM Blog at AIG

GOOD JOB Mr. Ham....
His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant;
Matthew 25:23