Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Creation Moment 10/18/2012 - Evolutionist Rant in Smithsonian

"Sean B. Carroll is frustrated so many still deny evolution, but he shoots his own argument in the foot.

Carroll, portrayed as wandering around the Smithsonian in ecstasy at all the exhibits showcasing evolution, was given ample space in a press release from Tufts University (echoed on PhysOrg) to rant about all the fools who disagree with him. He can’t believe that people enter the museum and continue to carry their God bias even after sights like these:
'The sign in front of the tall display case at the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of Natural History lures visitors to “meet one of your oldest relatives.” Inside stands a morganucodon, a mouse-like animal from the Late Triassic period, 210 million years ago. “A close relative of this tiny creature was the first mammal on earth,” the sign says. “Its DNA was passed on to billions of descendants, including you.”…'
'The facts of evolution may be written in stone and bone and DNA, but close to half the American public “accepts a biblical creationist account of the origins of life,” according to the Pew Research Center for People & the Press.
Freelance writer Phil Primack brought in two authorities who claim that science deniers follow instinct rather than evidence. “We like to think that we’re smart, rational beings, but most of our perceptions are subjective and powerfully influenced by instinct and emotion,” said David Ropeik, a former TV journalist who wrote a book about confirmation bias – a human tendency to believe statements that confirm their biases and disbelieve statements that do not. Carroll and Offit agree that confirmation bias can affect scientists, too: “There’s good reason to be skeptical about information we get. But you have to be discriminating in the authorities you’re going to doubt,” Carroll  suggested ..." CEV
 ...but the folly of fools is deceit.
Proverbs 14:8