Thursday, September 20, 2012

SDA News - AWR Shortwave (Missionaries)

Watch Below a clip about AWR (Adventist World Radio)

"From the tiny island of Guam, AWR’s shortwave broadcasts are carrying the gospel to the most populated countries on earth. But the facility needs a crucial upgrade.
For 25 years, AWR’s shortwave towers on the tiny Pacific island of Guam have been broadcasting messages of hope to countless listeners across Asia. People are hearing the gospel for the very first time in:
  • densely-populated countries such as China (1.3 billion people) and India (nearly 1.2 billion people)
  • closed or communist countries such as North Korea, Vietnam, and Myanmar
  • heavily-Muslim countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Bangladesh
  • countries with rugged, mountainous terrain such as Nepal
  • and many more
From this island alone, programs can currently be heard in 34 languages, for 287 hours/week. Countless lives have been forever transformed by the message of salvation.
When the upgrade and additions are completed, AWR’s ministry to Asia will be improved in the following ways:
  1. Listeners across all of China will enjoy a strong, clear signal and hear programs during their prime listening hours. Incredibly, this vast geographical area has only one time zone.
  2. Presently, AWR must simulcast from several antennas just to deliver one program across China, which “robs” other countries from broadcasts during that time period. With the new antennas, simultaneous broadcasts can take place and listeners in countries such as North Korea, Myanmar, and Vietnam will be able to receive AWR programs during their peak times.
  3. Listeners in key countries will receive better-quality signals, since AWR will be able to choose from a better selection of frequencies.
Shortwave radio is penetrating borders and changing lives for eternity. Right now, AWR’s coverage is being limited by our current 25-year-old antenna system. With your financial support, AWR will be able to turn up the volume in Asia, and many more listeners will have the opportunity to discover God and His matchless love." AdventistWorldRadio

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Revelation 14:6