Friday, September 14, 2012

Psycho-babbel of the FOOLISH

Do you feel you now have a spiritual answer 
to "what happens when you die"? after
watching a ballgame?
Only a FOOL would actually believe what was posted on Psychology Today's website. The claim that "sports spectatorship" provides the spiritual benefits of a chuch is utter Non-sense... Does sports give the answers as to why you are, what happens when you die, how we originated and what went wrong down here on this perfectly designed planet? I think NOT....
The only thing stated that was correct by the Psychology Todat post was that TV evangelism, etc. is trying to copy the secular world.....

Below is the FOOLISH Non-sense of Psychology Today
"Moreover, sport psychologists find that sports spectatorship provides much the same kind of social, and spiritual, benefits as people obtain from church membership. In a previous post, I made the case that sports is replacing religion. Precisely the same argument can be made for other forms of entertainment with which spectators become deeply involved. Indeed, religion is striking back by trying to compete in popular media, such as televangelism and Christian rock and by hosting live secular entertainment in church." Psychology Today

But avoid foolish questions, Titus 3:9