Saturday, September 22, 2012

IN the NEWS- Rudolph the Red State Reindeer

In this election season here is a NON-Partisan (well sort of) light note.....So loosen up a bit....

..... and a time to laugh;
Ecclesiastes 3:4
"Rudolph the red-state reindeer?
A Texas couple determined to find out who had been damaging a sign in their front yard proclaiming their support for President Obama's re-election bid caught the offender on Wednesday. Tom Priem, a software support engineer in Austin, told he and his wife, who live on a block where political signs dot front yards, were fed up with seeing only their Obama sign repeatedly defaced.
“The sign had holes poked in it like somebody had stuck a knife through it,” Priem said Friday. “At first I thought it was somebody who didn’t like Obama.”
He couldn’t believe his eyes when his wife showed him the surveillance photo she snapped seconds after the campaign sign was destroyed - by a buck.
The varmint's vandalism began about 10 days ago and it’s unclear what the animal has against the sign.
“People across the street have signs and their signs have not been attacked,” he said. “It’s just a weird thing. Maybe they don’t like something in the front yard where they graze.” FOXNews