Saturday, September 8, 2012

IN the NEWS - Rev. Moon dead at 92

And many false prophets shall rise,
and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:11
"The Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, the leader of the Unification Church and founder of The Washington Times, died early Monday in South Korea. He was 92.
He passed away just before 2 a.m. local time (12:54 p.m. EDT Sunday) from complications of pneumonia at Cheongshim International Hospital outside Seoul,...He was jailed six times, and survived numerous beatings and a North Korean labor camp.
Rev. Moon became widely known to Americans in the 1970s during his evangelistic rallies across the country, and major rallies at Yankee Stadium and the Washington Monument in 1976. America was in “moral decline,” Rev. Moon wrote in his autobiography, “and [I] played the role of a fireman responding to a call in an effort to reawaken its Puritan spirit.”
But accusations that his church “brainwashed” members helped make Rev. Moon the target of repeated investigations. In 1982, Rev. Moon was convicted of income-tax evasion and eventually served 13 months in federal prison."

"The passing of the self-proclaimed ‘Messiah’ — who claimed that Jesus, Muhammad, Confucius, Buddha, Martin Luther supported his claim that he was fulfilling the mission Jesus allegedly failed — also brought out some folks who used the opportunity to talk nonsense about cults.
That includes Eileen Barker, known to cult experts as a cult apologist. A cult apologist is someone who defends cults by, among other things, minimizes their activities and influence." ReligionNews
Moonies beliefs
"Moonies beliefs about Jesus are that He was just a man. His purpose was to marry and produce perfect children. The Crucifixion was a mistake and Jesus was resurrected only spiritually. The Holy Spirit is considered the spiritual wife of Jesus.
Rev. Moon (right) in 1982 performing mass wedding
ceremony for over 2,000 in Madison Sq. Garden 
Moonies believe John the Baptist was responsible for Christ’s death. God then had to send a “third Adam” to fulfill His salvation plan of a sinless race. Moonies consider Moon the “third Adam”. He will extend his perfection to members through their obedience to him. The new Messiah, his bride, and God, constitute the first trinity.
Moonies beliefs on salvation are that it must be earned by works like fasting, fund-raising and recruitment. They must have total submission to Moon, including turning over all financial assets and letting him choose their mates, for a fee. Moon and his 4th wife are the world’s “True Parents” and acceptance of them brings spiritual salvation.
Only married members qualify for God’s kingdom, according to Moonies beliefs. Marriages are performed, with 35,000 to 50,000 couples, most whom had never met. This “Blessing” is a religious ceremony, not actual weddings.
In the afterlife, Moonies expect to experience desires, dislikes and goals, as before death. Hell will pass away as heaven expands, allowing redemption of all mankind."
"As for Dr Hyung Moon, he left his father’s church while in university after the death of his brother which disillusioned him.In the midst of this disillusionment, Hyung found some comfort in Buddhism, until he was made successor of his father’s church and ventures.
Thus he returned to the church with Budhhists ideas and practices such a meditation and martial arts.However he has stated that he has not taken the Messianic role of his father, who calls himself the true father." UKWELI Library