Saturday, September 29, 2012

Has Dawkins been smoking an illegal substance?

Has our Brit boy Richard Dawkins been smoking something illegal? Here is why I ask-

"I am about to launch a tour around the US, starting in Hawaii and ending in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is an opportunity for me to meet those of you who are active in a movement who are fighting to return to the traditional secular values set forth by America’s founding fathers." R. Dawkins
What return to "secular values"?
1) They took Prayer out of the schools
2) They forced evolution into the schools (& won't allow anyone to question their precious theory)
3) They took down the 10 Commandments from the courthouses
4) They removed traditional Christmas scenes from public property
5) They have BULLIED SOME private companies to use Xmas instead of Christmas
6) They have been making inroads in the schools with birth control & homosexuality lessons
7) They have been making attempts at removing "In God We Trust" from currency
8) They have been aggressive in taking God out of the pledge of allegiance
[Only a matter of time before they succeed with #7 & 8]
What does he mean by "return" to secular values?--Sounds like they have pretty much already succeeded
Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge.
Proverbs 14:7 RSV