Saturday, September 29, 2012

IN the NEWS -France/Mother & Father Banned

"As with most of the jurisdictions that have adopted “gay marriage,” France will be changing the language of its laws and regulations related to marriage and parenthood to eliminate the terms “mother” and “father”.
The new socialist government has promised to bring forward a law by the end of October. They have already said there will be no provisions granted for conscientious objections from state marriage ministers." ChristianTelegraph

And Adam called his wife's name Eve;
because she was the mother of all living.
Genesis 3:20

Has Dawkins been smoking an illegal substance?

Has our Brit boy Richard Dawkins been smoking something illegal? Here is why I ask-

"I am about to launch a tour around the US, starting in Hawaii and ending in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is an opportunity for me to meet those of you who are active in a movement who are fighting to return to the traditional secular values set forth by America’s founding fathers." R. Dawkins
What return to "secular values"?
1) They took Prayer out of the schools
2) They forced evolution into the schools (& won't allow anyone to question their precious theory)
3) They took down the 10 Commandments from the courthouses
4) They removed traditional Christmas scenes from public property
5) They have BULLIED SOME private companies to use Xmas instead of Christmas
6) They have been making inroads in the schools with birth control & homosexuality lessons
7) They have been making attempts at removing "In God We Trust" from currency
8) They have been aggressive in taking God out of the pledge of allegiance
[Only a matter of time before they succeed with #7 & 8]
What does he mean by "return" to secular values?--Sounds like they have pretty much already succeeded
Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge.
Proverbs 14:7 RSV

IN the NEWS -2nd Maya 2012 inscrption found

More Mayan 2012 NONSENSE
"Archaeologists have found carvings in a stone staircase at the La Corona dig site in Guatemala which confirm the ‘end date’ of the Maya calendar, December 21, 2012.
It is only the second known inscription which confirms this 'end date'.
New Age sects around the world have interpreted this as a potential doomsday event - with sales of blast shelters rising in the U.S. and believers taking refuge in a village in France.
The Mayan tablets are the subject of wild internet conspiracy theories, with predictions our world will be swallowed by a black hole, hit by an asteroid or devoured by ancient gods.
The 1,300-year-old inscription is described as one of the most significant hieroglyphic finds in decades.
......- but there is a reference to 'the end' in a passage about a king's return.

But many ethnic Mayans dismiss the apocalyptic predictions as largely a Western idea.

Rather than the end of time itself, the inscriptions refer to the start of a new era.
The 'apocalypse' refers to the end of a cycle of 5,125 years since the beginning of the Mayan Long Count calendar in 3113 B.C.
'The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth,' says Nasa, 'These fables were linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012.'
While deciphering these new finds in May, Stuart recognized the 2012 reference on a stairway block bearing 56 delicately carved hieroglyphs.
It commemorated a royal visit to La Corona in AD 696 by the most powerful Maya ruler of that time, Yuknoom Yich'aak K'ahk' of Calakmul, only a few months after his defeat by long-standing rival Tikal in AD 695.
Thought by scholars to have been killed in this battle, this ruler was visiting allies and allaying their fears after his defeat." MailOnline

Well as for the actual END of the World--
Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
Mark 13:33,35,36

PERFECT - God's Character / God's Law

God's Character
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 5:48
God's Law
The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul:
Psalm 19:7

William Secker says - (Vanity)

"A lady being once told, that the world in all it's glory was but vanity; returned for answer, 'True, I have heard that Solomon said so, but he tried it before he said it, and so will I.' Thus many believe not a toad to be poisionous, till they are envenomed with it;"
The Nonsuch Professor p.99

I have seen all the works that are done under the sun;
behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Ecclesiastes 1:14

Creation Moment 9/30/2012 - Clock reset problems for dating methods

"It's assumed that the clock was set to zero when the study material was formed. This requires that only the parent isotope be initially present or that the amount of daughter isotope present at the beginning is known so that it can be subtracted.
Many examples from literature show that the zero-reset assumption is not always valid. Volcanic ejecta of Mount Rangitoto (Auckland, New Zealand) was found to have a potassium-40 age of 485,000 years, yet trees buried within the volcanic material were dated with the carbon-14 method to be less than 300 years old.
A further example from a lava flow off the coast of Hawaii shows similar discrepancies. If dated with the carbon-14 method, the flow appears to be less than 17,000 years old, but dating with the potassium argon method gives dates of 160,000 to 43 million years. A rock sample from Nigeria was dated at 95 million years by the potassium-argon method, 750 million years by the uranium-helium method, and less than 30 million years by the fission-track method.
If the clock is not set to zero when a deposit forms, then there can be no starting point from which to calculate the age of a deposit." AmazingDiscoveries
He cutteth out rivers among the rocks;
Job 28:10

Friday, September 28, 2012

Deepak Chopra (a Neo- Gnostic)

What kinda psycho-babbel, may I ask, is this?
"As the call for love in the world deepens, Deepak Chopra releases The Secret of Love - Meditations for Attracting and Being In Love." from Mr. Chopra's website
There is no secret to love-it's pretty simple--
Jesus said unto him,
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it,
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Matthew 22:37-39
Mr. Chopra is a fraud who mixes Hindu-type new age with Christianity & a touch of Buddhism....
Here is what one Hindu said of Mr. Chopra - "How to Deconstruct, Repackage and Sell Hindu Philosophy Without Calling it Hindu!"
Here is what Mr. Chopra says about God- "You don't have to believe in God in order to experience God."
Neo-Gnosticism of Chopra
From his website we learn more psycho-babbel in that he believes in 3 Jesus's - "First, there is the historical Jesus, the man who lived more than two thousand years ago and whose teachings are the foundation of Christian theology and thought. Next there is Jesus the Son of God, who has come to embody an institutional religion with specific dogma, a priesthood, and devout believers. And finally, there is the third Jesus, the cosmic Christ, the spiritual guide whose teaching embraces all humanity, not just the church built in his name. He speaks to the individual who wants to find God as a personal experience, to attain what some might call grace, or God-consciousness, or enlightenment."
WRONG Mr. Chopra----
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8

Osteen on CNN & his FLUFF Message

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.
2 Timothy 4:3 NLT
"Joel Osteen was back on CNN this week, appearing Thursday morning on “Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien.” Osteen’s new book, I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life, recently hit the nation’s bookstores.
Osteen’s positive thinking theology was on full display in the interview, as in the book. O’Brien asked if he really believes that speaking declarations out loud can make them come true. Osteen assured her that he does, promising that speaking positive words can bring positive results and warning that speaking negativity will bring negative results. “I don’t think there’s anything magic about it, but those words go out and come right back in and affect your own self-image.”
In the book itself, Osteen asserts, “You’ve got to send your words out in the direction you want your life to go.” The theme of his book is simple: “With our words we can either bless our futures or we can curse our futures.”
The most enthusiastic response to Osteen’s message came from Deepak Chopra, the New Age self-help guru, who was also on the CNN program. He affirmed Osteen’s message and added, “I’ve believed forever that there’s no mental event that doesn’t have a brain representation, that every thought actually generates molecules.”
The two self-help experts then elaborated on their ideas, with Osteen urging “activating faith,” because “faith is what causes God to work.” Later, he even spoke of “speaking to the seeds of greatness that God’s placed in all of us.”
The appearance of Osteen and Chopra together was a priceless demonstration of the fact that the New Thought positive thinking philosophy that drives them both can be grafted onto either Christianity or Eastern religion. In the end, it all sounds the same. Chopra’s New Age spirituality and Osteen’s updated version of the word-faith movement end up as the same message, only with different trappings." ReligionToday

Buddha Vs. Paul about the future

“Do not dwell in the past.
Do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
the Buddha
Looking for that blessed hope,
and the glorious appearing
of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Titus 2:13

Autumn Leaves-God Doesn't

Be strong and of a good courage,
fear not, nor be afraid of them:
for the LORD thy God,
he it is that doth go with thee;
 he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Deuteronomy 3:6

RIGHTEOUS - God's Character / God's Law

God's Character
...and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Jeremiah 23:6
God's Law
...for all thy commandments are righteousness.
Psalm 119:172

William Secker says - Cleopatra

"What tatse does Cleopatra have now, from her draught of disolved pearls?"
The Nonsuch Professor p.98

The earth mourns and withers, the world fades and withers,
the exalted of the people of the earth fade away.
Isaiah 24:4 NASB

Creation Moment 9/29/2012 - Leaves of Autumn

....whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.
Ezekiel 47:12
"In Autumn, deciduous trees don’t lose their leaves—they loose them.
 The place where the leaf separates (abscises) from the tree is typically located at the base of the leaf stalk (petiole). It is called the abscission zone (AZ). The AZ is no random fracture point but is actually built-in, “pre-positioned”  during leaf formation.
With the post-summer hint of coolness in the air, before the onset of wintry weather, trees initiate a “senescence sequence” to systematically retrieve the re-usable resources from the leaves. As this process begins, and the green chlorophyll pigment and other parts of the light-harvesting (photosynthetic) complex are dismantled, the leaf changes colour.
First, the formerly hidden carotenoid pigments (e.g. yellow xanthophylls and orange beta-carotene) are now revealed, turning the leaves an orange-yellow hue, as the normally-dominant green chlorophyll fades.
Then, when about half the chlorophyll has been degraded, and as the level of phosphate in the leaf drops, the production of anthocyanin pigments increases.
With the abscission process triggered by a raft of chemical signals (including, it is believed, ethylene produced by the internally-gutted leaf), AZ cells start to secrete enzymes. These dissolve the ‘glue’that holds cells together and degrade the primary wall between cells. The surrounding AZ cells actively produce the necessary abscission materials throughout; i.e., they remain alive and active until abscission is completed.
As cell walls pull apart, opening up the fracture line, the AZ cells on the tree side close off the opening wound by depositing protective materials such as tyloses, suberin and lignin. This strong protective boundary zone seals off the leaf scar, defending the tree from the cold, as well as from diseases and pests.
With the sealing-off process completed, the leaf can now be safely shed.
If any one of these steps in the signalling cascade is absent, the abscission process doesn’t work."

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Arian Nonsense Fight

 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 Peter 2:1
"A priest named Arius stood up and posed the following simple question: "If the Father begat the Son, he that was begotten had a beginning of existence." In other words, if the Father is the parent of the Son, then didn't the Son have a beginning?
Apparently, no one had put it this way before. For many bishops, Arius spoke heresy when he said that the Son had a beginning. A debate erupted, led by Arius on the one side and by Alexander and his deacon Athanasius on the other. Athanasius became the Church's lead fighter in a struggle that lasted his entire life.

In 320 A.D., Alexander held a Council of Alexandria to condemn the errors of Arius. But this did not stop the controversy. The Church had nearly split over the issue when the controversy reached the ears of the Roman emperor Constantine.

The orthodox accused the Arians of attempting to lower the Son by saying he had a beginning. But, in fact, the Arians gave him an exalted position, honoring him as "first among creatures." Arius described the Son as one who became "perfect God, only begotten and unchangeable," but also argued that he had an origin.

The Arian controversy was really about the nature of humanity and how we are saved. It involved two pictures of Jesus Christ: Either he was a God who had always been God or he was a human who became God's Son.

If he was a human who became God's Son, then that implied that other humans could also become Sons of God. This idea was unacceptable to the orthodox, hence their insistence that Jesus had always been God and was entirely different from all created beings.

By denying man's divine origin and potential, the doctrine of creation out of nothing rules out both preexistence and reincarnation. Once the Church adopted the doctrine, it was only a matter of time before it rejected both Origenism and Arianism. In fact, the Arian controversy was only one salvo in the battle to eradicate the mystical tradition Origen represented.

Origen and his predecessor, Clement of Alexandria, lived in a Platonist world. For them it was a given that there is an invisible spiritual world which is permanent and a visible material world that is changeable. The soul belongs to the spiritual world, while the body belongs to the material world.

In the Platonists' view, the world and everything in it is not created but emanates from God, the One. Souls come from the Divine Mind, and even when they are encased in bodily form, they retain their link to the Source.

Origen took up the problem of the soul's changeability but came up with a different solution. He suggested that the soul was created immortal and that even though it fell (for which he suggests various reasons), it still has the power to restore itself to its original state.

This new theology, which linked the soul with the body, led to the ruling out of preexistence. If the soul is material and not spiritual, then it cannot have existed before the body. As Gregory of Nyssa wrote: "Neither does the soul exist before the body, nor the body apart from the soul, but ... there is only a single origin for both of them."

When is the soul created then? The Fathers came up with an answer: at the same time as the body - at conception. "God is daily making souls," wrote Church Father Jerome. If souls and bodies are created at the same time, both preexistence and reincarnation are out of the question since they imply that souls exist before bodies and can be attached to different bodies in succession."

This was some of the psycho-babbel nonsense dividing the early church. A waste of time fighting over someone trying to introduce silly nonsense into Christiandom.
Of course the soul does not pre-exist.....(which rules out reincarnation & Mormonism). As for the argument of the "Son" being the first creation of God...I believe that they relate to us as Father, Son & Holy Spirit in the roles they play in salvation...They are all 3 equally eternal and Deity. The Godhead. Arius, even if he was well meaning, was clearly used by the opponent of God to introduce illogical thinking into the church to usher in division.

LIFE - God's Character / God's Law

God's Character
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
John 14:6
God's Law
My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
Proverbs 3:1,2

William Secker says - (the market or the closet?)

"Hypocrites are more zealous for the market than for the closet"
The Nonsuch professor p.19

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Matthew 6:5,6

Creation Moment 9/28/2012 - Big Bang could NOT have happened based on evidence

Based on the evidence the Big bang could not have happened as evolutionists claim. A major problem is called the Horizen problem. Becasue the CMB indicates that the temperature of the universe is even throughout, in order to even out the temperature would mean that energy would have to be transfered from hot spots to cold spots. This could not naturally happen faster than the speed of light, and hence since evolution claims the universe is supposedly 14.7 billion years of age, it would only have covered about a 10th of the universe thus far. But since the universe has the same basic temperature in all directions-then the evolutionists are wrong.

He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.
Psalm 147:4

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

12 Steps to APOSTASY via BLASPHEMY:12 points of infidel Bishop Spong

Bishop Spong--when are YOU going to let GOD be GOD?
  1. "Theism, as a way of defining God, is dead. So most theological God-talk is today meaningless. A new way to speak of God must be found.
  2. Since God can no longer be conceived in theistic terms, it becomes nonsensical to seek to understand Jesus as the incarnation of the theistic deity. So the Christology of the ages is bankrupt.
  3. The Biblical story of the perfect and finished creation from which human beings fell into sin is pre-Darwinian mythology and post-Darwinian nonsense.
  4. The virgin birth, understood as literal biology, makes Christ's divinity, as traditionally understood, impossible.
  5. The miracle stories of the New Testament can no longer be interpreted in a post-Newtonian world as supernatural events performed by an incarnate deity.
  6. The view of the cross as the sacrifice for the sins of the world is a barbarian idea based on primitive concepts of God and must be dismissed.
  7. Resurrection is an action of God. Jesus was raised into the meaning of God. It therefore cannot be a physical resuscitation occurring inside human history.
  8. The story of the Ascension assumed a three-tiered universe and is therefore not capable of being translated into the concepts of a post-Copernican space age.
  9. There is no external, objective, revealed standard written in scripture or on tablets of stone that will govern our ethical behavior for all time.
  10. Prayer cannot be a request made to a theistic deity to act in human history in a particular way.
  11. The hope for life after death must be separated forever from the behavior control mentality of reward and punishment. The Church must abandon, therefore, its reliance on guilt as a motivator of behavior.
  12. All human beings bear God's image and must be respected for what each person is. Therefore, no external description of one's being, whether based on race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, can properly be used as the basis for either rejection or discrimination." wikipedia
Bishop Spong is a retired Episcopal Bishop. A perfect example of all that is betrayed within Christianity. Below is my response to his 12 points of infidelity.....

1- God is the same yesterday, today and forever-so if you are offended by the old fashioned "God-talk"--then be offended or unsatisfied-too bad....
2- Uhm...if Christ is not the incarnation of the theistic Deity---then why are you still a "Christian" for? Answer likely is this atheist is getting a pension so he stuck it out to his retirement and has a niche following that buys his silly books...this is his claim to fame in this's all he knows and at age 81, what else is he going to now do different? Nothing....
3- I would argue that based on the science today--it is darwin that is nonsense...and no surprise that an atheist at heart like Bishop Spong looks to darwin for the answers...he does so by CHOICE & willingly....
4-  Spong....the very point of the virgin birth testifies to His divinity....
5- 1st, if you don't believe in the miracles-then why are you wasting time as a retired "bishop"? Obviously you strip every possible power of God from God in your small, human mind. & 2nd, as for using the word "Newtonian", uhm, Newton was a Christian who wrote more about Bible prophecies than about science!!!
6- There it is!!!! calling the sacrifice on the cross "barbarian" is over the top---you really are an atheist wrapped in the cloth of the clergy....It is as though Lucifer himself is writing when you pick up your pen...
7- So your a new-ager? Without a physical resurrection you would have no chance at salvation--and I think here, if Paul were writing, he would inject the word "fool" as applying to you at this point-seriously..BTW, is there any powers that YOU will allow God to have, bishop?
8- If by 3 tiered you mean the atmosphere, then up into space and finally can you not agree with that? Where do you think this heaven is? Or do you think it is some esoteric dream state?
9- Well not surprised you dismiss the law of God---you know "bishop", it really sounds as though Lucifer himself is speaking through you....
10- So you claim we can't really pray to God as He tells us to? Why read your Bible?
11- Well what is one more heresy from your pen? Telling people that there is no punishment for sinning & rejecting people can really just do as they please...sounds like a universalist...
12- Sexual preference to be gay is NOT being in "God's Image"...But at this point your blasphemy is no longer a surprise.....And as for race-that is just different shades of the melatonin we were created with, part of God's diversity of His blooming rose of creation which fills the planet...and gender was created by Him, male & female, with specific gender roles..but that does not make one gender inferior to the other...

The 12 points of John Spong could be labeled the 12 STEPS to APOSTASY via BLASPHEMY
O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?
Galatians 3:1

The Answer

Christ was not created by His incarnation,
but rather He was born among us-Divinity wrapped in humanity....
Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.
John 18:37

TRUE - God's Character / God's Law

God's Character
He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true.
John 3:33
God's Law
Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments:
Nehemiah 9:13

William Secker says - (ill-doing/undoing)

"Reader, if you delight in sin, I wish you to remember that your ill-doing will shortly be your undoing."
The Nonsuch Professor p.98

Your iniquities have turned away these things,
and your sins have withholden good things from you.
Jeremiah 5:25

Creation Moment 9/27/2012 - Decay Rates

"Evolutionists assume that the rate of cosmic bombardment of the atmosphere has always remained constant and that the rate of decay has remained constant. Scientists place great faith in this dating method, and yet more than 50% of radiocarbon dates from geological and archaeological samples of northeastern North America have been deemed unacceptable after investigation.
While there is no proof that the rates were different in the past than they are today, there is also no proof that they were the same. Thus radioactive dating relies purely on assumptions. We could put forward the following counter arguments to the constancy of these assumptions:

a) The constancy of cosmic ray bombardment might be questioned. The current high rate of entry might be a consequence of a disturbed post-Flood environment that altered the carbon-14 to carbon-12 ratio. Pre-Flood dates would thus have to be discarded.
b) An increase in the magnetic field of the earth would have shielded the earth from cosmic rays. Some scientists argue that the magnetic field of the earth has declined over time.
c) Atmospheric carbon forms just 0.0005% of the current carbon reservoir—99.66% of the earth's carbon exists in limestone, 0.31% in oil and gas, and 0.02% in coal. Carbon-14 comes from nitrogen and is independent of the carbon-12 reservoir. If even a small percentage of the limestone deposits were still in the form of living marine organisms at the time of the Flood, then the small amount of carbon-14 would have mixed with a much larger carbon-12 reservoir, thus resulting in a drastically reduced ratio. Specimens would then look much older than they actually are.
d) Even if the rate of decay is constant, without knowledge of the exact ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-14in the initial sample, the dating technique is subject to question." AmazingDiscoveries
Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.
Psalm 96:3

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Amazing Facts Streaming TV Station

Watch Amazing Facts TV anytime day or night (click below)
Amazing Facts Streaming TV Station 
And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Matthew 10:7

The Passion means....

Passion is from the word passio which means suffering. So in Christianity when they speak of  The Passion, they mean the Suffering....
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

GOOD - God's Character / God's Law

God's Character
The LORD is good,
Nahum 1:7
God's Law
Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
Romans 7:12

William Secker says - (The "heart" of Worship)

"The heart should be the first to come into the house of God, and the last to go out of it."
The Nonsuch Professor p.95

But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.
Psalm 5:7

Creation Moment 9/26/2012 - Invisibility & Yemeni Professor

Dr. Akram Al-Omainey
"One who wasn’t featured in Yemen’s media was Dr. Akram Al-Omainey. The Yemeni professor was recently honored in Britain for his theory on the invisibility of objects.
31-year-old Dr. Akram Al-Omainey's award-winning research was on the “engineering cloak of invisibility,” a theory which suggests that human beings can be made invisible.
“The idea of using non-natural meta-materials with different characteristics to focus images and light into one place – hence making the perfect lens – came from Professor Sir John Pendry from Imperial College in London. He went on to prove that objects can theoretically be made invisible by bending light.
"The idea was quite intriguing since it was based on making stuff disappear – or correctly making them invisible."
He explained that theoretically the idea was proven possible, but had yet to be in reality." YemenTimes

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God,
so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.
Hebrews 11:3 ESV

Monday, September 24, 2012

LIGHT - God's Character / God's Law

God's Character
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
1 John 1:5
God's Law
For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light;
Proverbs 6:23

William Secker says - (Deceitful Sin)

"If sin were not so deceitful, it would not be so delightful."
The Nonsuch Professor p.97

By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
Hebrews 11:24,25

Creation Moment 9/25/2012 - Bill Nye back in the News-Again

In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: Proverbs 14:3
"Christians who view the stories of the Old Testament as historical fact have come to be known as creationists, and many argue that the world was created by God just a few thousand years ago.
"The Earth is not 6,000 or 10,000 years old," Nye said in an interview with The Associated Press. "It's not. And if that conflicts with your beliefs, I strongly feel you should question your beliefs."
Millions of Americans do hold those beliefs, according to a June Gallup poll that found 46 percent of Americans believe God created humans in their present form about 10,000 years ago.
Nye, 56, also decried efforts in recent years by lawmakers and school boards in some states to present Bible stories as an alternative to evolution in public schools. Tennessee passed a law earlier this year that protects teachers who let students criticize evolution and other scientific theories. That echoes a Louisiana law passed in 2008 that allows teachers to introduce supplemental teaching materials in science classes.
"If we raise a generation of students who don't believe in the process of science, who think everything that we've come to know about nature and the universe can be dismissed by a few sentences translated into English from some ancient text, you're not going to continue to innovate," Nye said in a wide-ranging telephone interview.
Nye can't talk for long about science without mentioning his current passion: speaking out against proposed government cuts to NASA's planetary sciences division. Nye is CEO of The Planetary Society, an organization in Pasadena, Calif., that promotes space exploration.
NASA's landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars last month is the kind of technological achievement that get kids interested in science, Nye said, but funding cuts would endanger future missions.
He said if Curiosity is able to find evidence of life on Mars — perhaps in the form of fossilized microorganisms — it would "change the world." AP

So that's why he is trying to be controversial & grab headlines--he is trying to get attention as the head of the planetary society to bring focus to his cause of funding NASA to explore Mars for "life"....


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Animal vs. Human life

If an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die: then the ox shall be surely stoned,...But if the ox were wont to push with his horn in time past, and it hath been testified to his owner, and he hath not kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a woman; the ox shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death. Exodus 21:28,29
LOL-Look out for that monkey attack!!!
God placed a clear priority on human life over that of animal life-even holding accountable humans who were responsible for their animals taking an innocent human life...So what's the point we are to learn? man is NOT thought of by God as a another level of a brute beast of the field-but rather a special creation given dominion over the is evolutionists who are always trying to drag humans down to the level of a common beast of the field.


For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened,
and have tasted of the heavenly gift,
and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
And have tasted the good word of God,
and the powers of the world to come,
If they shall fall away,
to renew them again unto repentance;
seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh,
and put him to an open shame.
For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it,
and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed,
receiveth blessing from God:
But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected,
and is nigh unto cursing;
whose end is to be burned.
Hebrews 6:4-8

Record Keeper- (politics of angels)- watch intro to pilot episode

Intro for pilot episode-a look at the "politics of angels"

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,... And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Revelation 12:7,9


SDA News - New Med School in Peru

"The Seventh-day Adventist Church today inaugurated a medical school in Peru, the first Adventist school of medicine in the Northwestern region of South America.
Church leaders said the School of Human Medicine at Peruvian Union University in Lima expands the church’s capacity for healthcare ministry in Peru and surrounding Spanish-speaking countries, an area with great demand for Adventist physicians.
New SDA Med students in Peru
The school’s founding dean, Dr. Carlos Alfonso Balarezo, is a Peruvian national who has served as chief of surgery at Riverside County Regional Medical Center in Riverside, California, United States, and as an associate professor of surgery at nearby Loma Linda University’s School of Medicine. He also holds the title of Master of Peruvian Surgery, a distinction awarded by the Peruvian Surgical Society and held by only three people.
Balarezo said he left the United States five years ago to join the team that established the school. “It’s a tremendous opportunity to help mold these students,” Balarezo said in an interview. “Like Loma Linda [University], we want to place a lot of emphasis on preventative care. This will differentiate us from other medical schools here.”
The new school is the Adventist world church’s fifth medical school. Today’s inauguration comes three months after the Benjamin S. Carson Sr. School of Medicine opened at church-run Babcock University in Nigeria.
The Adventist Church also operates medical schools at Adventist universities in Montemorelos, Nuevo León, Mexico; Liberator San Martín, Entre Rios, Argentina; and its flagship school in Loma Linda, California, United States.
Adventist Education leaders say a sixth medical school is being developed in the Philippines."
And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick,...
Matthew 10:7,8

SPIRITUAL - God's Character / God's Law

God's Character
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
John 4:24
God's Law
For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
Romans 7:14

William Secker says - (Sudden Banquet)

"Our first parents soon ate the forbidden fruit, but the world to this day feels that it is not freed from the miserable consequence of that sudden banquet."
The Nonsuch Professor p.97

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Genesis 3:6

Creation Moment 9/24/2012 - Orderly Creation

First 3 days of creation deal with creating the physical environment...
Last 3 days deal with filling that physical environment....
Days 1&4-Light & Bodies of Light
Days 2&5-Firmament & Filling the Firmament
Days 3&6-Earth with Food/Filling the Earth
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
Genesis 1:31

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Genesis 18:4 (Interesting)

Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet,
                                                                                                                            He riseth from supper,
and laid aside his garments;
and took a towel,
and girded himself.
After that he poureth water into a bason,
and began to wash the disciples' feet,
and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.
John 13:3,4

and rest yourselves under the tree:
Genesis 18:4

Blessed are they that do his commandments,
that they may have right to the tree of life,
and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Revelation 22:14

Ellen White-- Ultimate Advice Given

"But there is but little benefit derived from a hasty reading of the Scriptures. One may read the whole Bible through and yet fail to see its beauty or comprehend its deep and hidden meaning
One passage studied until its significance is clear to the mind and its relation to the plan of salvation is evident, is of more value than the perusal of many chapters with no definite purpose in view and no positive instruction gained. Keep your Bible with you. 
As you have opportunity, read it; fix the texts in your memory."
Steps to Christ ch. 10, E.G.W.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Joshua 1:8