Tuesday, August 14, 2012

SDA News - 3 Peruvian Adventist were on the Costa Concordia when it sank off Italian coast

"Three Seventh-day Adventists from Peru survived the sinking Italian cruise ship, the Costa Concordia.

Milton Paredes, Edelmira Paredes and their daughter Diana Miled were in their second floor room, welcoming the Sabbath when the cruise ship crashed off the western Italian coast on Friday, January 13.
Edelmira suffered three fractured ribs and is recovering.

Milton and Diana were interviewed on Peruvian television where they were introduced by the reporter as Seventh-day Adventists. Milton and Diana got to share how their Seventh-day Adventist faith put things in proper perspective even in a frantic life-or-death situation.

They also gave a fascinating behind-the-scenes look of the entire ordeal. They talked about what it was like inside the cruise ship, how they got to shore despite the freezing cold waters, and how one gets back home to Peru when everything you brought on the trip is stuck on the ship.

On live TV, they gave the reporter a copy of "The Great Hope" in Spanish. This book is a reprinted version of "The Great Controversy" and is part of an initiative by the Adventist World Church to share this book with the entire world."

Make haste to help me, O Lord my salvation.
Psalm 38:22