Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pacific Union Conference & it's rebellion on women ordination

1) If there is a GOD
2) & if He is the Christian GOD
3) & if He communicates with His creation through the Scriptures
4) & if He called this Church at a specific point in history (end of 2300 days(yrs.) Dan. 8:14
5) & this Church has a unique, distinct Mission (to every nation, kindred, tongue & people)

Q:Then why would HE divide HIS people over something like this, especially at this time?
A: HE wouldn't-----the SPIRIT of GOD is NOT with those leaders pushing women ordination.
.....for truth is fallen in the street,...Yea, truth faileth;  Isaiah 59:14,15

A Message from President Wilson
"The 17 million members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are united through the Holy Spirit in a common commitment to Christ and the truths of His Word, an urgent end-time mission, and a divinely inspired church organization. A threat to any one of these places at risk the unity of the church. It is for this reason that the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church affirms the Pacific Union’s action not to change their Constitution and remain in harmony with the world church. This represents a step in a positive direction. The General Conference leadership is seriously concerned, though, with the Pacific Union’s subsequent action to preempt the collective decisions of the world church regarding ordination. Unilateral actions contrary to the voted decisions of the global church seriously threaten the unity of the church.
President/Pastor Ted Wilson defending the
BIBLICAL Doctrines of the Church
Further, the action is contrary to General Conference Working Policy and sets aside the 1990 and 1995 decisions of the General Conference in Session respecting the practice of ordination. The action taken by the Pacific Union Conference represents a serious threat to the unity of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church, and thus, at its next meeting in October 2012, as indicated in another recent public statement by General Conference officers and division presidents, the General Conference Executive Committee will carefully review the situation and determine how to respond. In the spirit of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the officers of the General Conference appeal to all entities, organizations, and individuals, including the Pacific Union Conference, to refrain from independent and unilateral decisions and from implementing any such actions."