Friday, August 31, 2012

IN the NEWS - "Touch Down Jesus" statue controversy

What a waste of $$$$$$$$$$$$
What an EMBARRASSMENT to Christianity
 I live near the so-called "Touch Down Jesus" statue here in the Miami Valley of SW Ohio. What a WASTE of MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! That money could have better been spent. It is actually disgusting what they are doing and the money wasted...

"Remember ‘Touchdown Jesus’? In June last year the famous 19-meter tall styrofoam and fiberglass statue in front of Solid Rock Church near Monroe, Ohio, burned down after it was struck by lightning.
The new figure already has a nickname, according to sculptor Tom Tsuchiya, although its official title is “Lux Mundi,” which is Latin for “Light of the World.”.
“It’s ‘Hug Me Jesus,’” Tsuchiya said. “Some blogger called it that and I loved it. That’s what it’s all about – a let’s-all-be-friends message. Love one another.”
The steel substructure of the new statue will sport lightning suppression system.
Speaking of which, Solid Rock Church is run by Darlene and Lawrence Bishop. The couple was described in one news report as “a lightning rod for controversy.”
 "I found it interesting that a poll taken of locals concerning the statue of Jesus in Monroe had the following results: 25% feel that it is a 'Godsend, good for Monroe,' while 75% found that it was an 'Eyesore, bad for Monroe.'"
They claim to have an orphanage in Brazil--that is money they could have spent on their orphange rather than on a silly, useless statue that they are spending even more to replace....
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction,
James 1:27