Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dawkins disses Gould? (Another Hot August night with a Richard Dawkins book)

Evolutionary Smackdown
between Gould & Dawkins
"....the theory of 'punctuated equilibrium' .... its advocates usually go on to propose a fundamental 'decoupling' between microevolution and macroevolution. This is unwarranted inference. No extra ingredient needs to be added at the micro level to explain the macro level."
the ancestors tale p.605 Richard Dawkins
Sounds like Dawkins is taking a swipe at the evolutionist Gould who came up with 'punctuated equilibrium' evolution to explain the lack of support in the fossil record for evolution.
Go from the presence of a foolish man,
when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.
Proverbs 14:7