Saturday, August 4, 2012

Creation Moment 8/5/2012 - Lack of Insect Evolution

"Nature News announced a fossil insect discovery from Devonian strata in Belgium, said to be 370 million years old, that is “An insect to fill the gap” between the record-holder at 400 million years and the more abundant fossils from the Carboniferous at 325 million in the evolutionary timeline. “A complete insect fossil from the Devonian period has long been sought,” the article by William A. Shear began. “The finding of a candidate may improve our patchy understanding of when winged insects evolved.” A closer look at the article, however, a clear six-legged critter already fully functioning, too small to “fill the gap” that worries paleontologists (Shear later said it “narrowed” the gap). Mostly, he was concerned that so few paleontologists are even looking for fossils that can show insect evolution. The editor’s summary of the paper states, “The early evolutionary history of the insects is obscure.” CEV

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,.... and creeping thing, Genesis 1:24