Friday, August 3, 2012

Creation Moment 8/4/2012 - Palm Trees of Antarctic coast

"Evidence for tropical trees has been found 5 km deep off the coast of Antarctica.
The BBC News reported that explorers dropped a drill rig 4 km down into the ocean off the east coast of Antarctica, then drilled another kilometer through sediment. The drill core included pollen grains of palm, and trees resembling baobab and macadamia. Remnants of single-celled archaea were also found.“The lowland coastal region sported palm trees, while slightly inland, hills were populated with beech trees and conifers,” the article said.
The researchers infer from the flora that global temperatures were some 5°C warmer than today. The early Eocene was a period of atmospheric CO2 concentrations higher than the current 390 parts per million (ppm)—reaching at least 600 ppm and possibly far higher,” the article said." CEH

"Global temperatures were on the order of 5C higher, and there was no sharp divide in temperature between the poles and the equator.
Drilling research carried out in recent years showed that the Arctic must have had a subtropical climate." BBC
Analysis by CEV:
"......evolutionists have no theory for why the earth should have warmed up at that time. Many Biblical creationists, though, without the millions-of-years timeline, believe that the pre-Flood world sported a moderate climate without a large difference between the poles and equator, just like the data indicate. The Flood, however, changed all that, burying the antediluvian world beneath miles of sediment – and ushering in a much more recent Ice Age whose effects are still damping out. Which account is a better match to the data?" CEV

And God saw every thing that he had made,
and, behold, it was very good.
Genesis 1:31