Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Creation Moment 8/22/2012 - Muslim Evolutionists

"Evolution-believing Muslims seem to be far more numerous, and vocal, than creationist Muslims. They have a substantial strategic advantage precisely because the Koran is so vague, nebulous and seemingly open to various interpretations.  
They delight in pointing out that, in contrast, ‘There is absolutely no ambiguity whatsoever in the Biblical description of the Creation in six days followed by a day of rest, the sabbath, analogous with the days of the week.’7 These evolution-accommodating Muslims are adamant that the ‘days’ of Creation in the Koran ‘mean in reality “very long Periods, or Ages, or Aeons”?’.
Muslim apologists gleefully point out that the Koran is compatible with evolution where the Bible is not, e.g.: ‘Neither here nor anywhere else in the Holy Qur-án is it affirmed that Adam was the first man, or that there was no creation by God before Adam, nor that Adam lived or man was created, or the earth made, only six thousand years ago.’  Long-age Muslims exploit the Bible’s explicit detail of the Flood, too. They say that because the Bible clearly says there was a recent global Flood, while ‘science’ says there was not, the Bible is wrong and the Koran is thus confirmed to be right!" CMI

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning were the first day. 
Genesis 1:5