Friday, August 17, 2012

Creation Moment 8/18/2012 - "ARDI"PITHECUS RAMIDUS

ARDIPITHECUS RAMIDUS known simply as "Ardi" in the pseudo-scientific world of evolution.
"The reconstructions are based on CT scans of fossils, interpretative speculation in areas where there were no bones available, and more interpretation on how all the pieces fit together. Most artists' depictions show Ardi standing upright in a distinctly human pose, even though they admitted that they were hampered by the incompleteness, fragmentation, erosion, and distortion of the bones. Evolutionists completed their structure by inserting a "conjectural sacrum," and correcting "various additional dimensions," leading one to wonder how close their digital model is to what originally existed. That means that speculation and evolutionary guesswork, not scientific observations, were offered to bridge these gaps." EvolutionFacts

"But despite claims of its evolutionary significance, one of the scientists who studied Ardi noted, “It’s not a chimp. It’s not a human.” That is, instead of looking like the hypothesized “missing link” (with both chimpanzee and human features), Ardi’s anatomy—as reconstructed by the scientists—shows it to have been distinct from other apes as well as from humans." AIG

Its brain volume was estimated
to be even smaller than that of a chimp
"Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba. This comes from the local Afar language: Ardi = ground or floor, ramid = root, kadabba = basal family ancestor. Most readers of the headlines would be unaware of the way in which the fossil bits and pieces were scattered over a distance greater than 1½ kilometres! (2 miles) " CMI

And God made the beast of the earth after his kind,
Genesis 1:25