Wednesday, August 1, 2012

8/1/2012 Creation Moment - SDA began Creation Science Movement

SDA George McCready Price from Canada (1870-1963) began the Creation Science Movement. He served awhile as an evangelist in Prince Edward Island, Canada after attending Battle Creek College in the 1890's. His first published work in 1906 was Illogical Geology: The Weakest Point in the Evolution Theory.
He went on to teach at Loma Linda, Andrews and Walla Walla. He also taught in England when William Jennings Bryan asked him to be a witness for the creation side of the Scopes monkey Trial but he chose to stay in England and teach.
His work laid the groundwork for the future 1960's book The Genesis Flood by Morris & Whitcomb, considered a classic in the creationist movement. He once said "In choosing between "the two alternatives now before the world," naturalistic geology versus world-catastrophe, there was but one suitable inquiry: "Will it give the most rational account nature’s evidence?" 
His lord said unto him, Well done,
thou good and faithful servant:
Matthew 25:21