Monday, July 23, 2012

SDA Issues - Spectrum vs. Amazing Facts

Within the Church today there are two camps-the traditional Adventist camp with the likes of the program Amazing Facts headed by Doug Batchelor. And the "progressive" Adventists with the likes of Spectrum (online magazine) run by people like Charles Scriven.

Let us compare the two:

@ Juicy gossip of those who fall from grace within the Church, even sending "reporters" to places like Africa to dig up more dirt.
@ Worldy ways-such as movie reviews
@ Attacking all Biblical doctrines of the Church from Genesis to Revelation, from Creation to the Mark of the Beast and trampling on the Sanctuary Doctrine in between. The only major doctrine they still hold to is the state of the dead.
@ If I'm a non-Adventist, and read Spectrum, what reason is given as to why I should join the SDA Church? There isn't any reason given.
@ Undermining and questioning the validity of Scripture, especially Genesis chapters 1-11.
@ Encouraging sin, such as when a lad was encouraged to play basketball on Sabbath so as to make it into the big leagues one day.

@ No juicy gossip about peoples private lives singled out.
@ No holding up the ways of the world.
@ Upholding of SDA Biblical doctrines.
@ The truth presented so as to distinguish the Church from others as distinct, giving a reason to join.
@ Upholding validity of ALL Scripture, including Genesis 1-11.
@ No encouragement to sin by breaking ANY of God's Laws.

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
Let both grow together until the harvest:
Matthew 13:25,30