Thursday, July 5, 2012

Creation Moment 7/6/2012 - South Korea Textbooks & Evolution

LOL-The JOKE of Whale Evolution
"Evolution is not being removed from South Korea’s school curriculum or from its textbooks. References to just two “evidences” for evolution are being removed: a) whale evolution and b) horse evolution.
Whale evolution ....... because of its iconic status and lack of logic and common sense.
The linear model of horse evolution is what is being removed from the South Korean curriculum. This traditional evolutionary model, showing a small “eohippus” at one end, and a modern horse at the other, was described by the evolutionary paleontologist Niles Eldridge as “lamentable” and “a classical case of paleontologic museology.” Serious evolutionists have admitted for years that the traditional linear model for horse evolution is wrong, so all the South Korean authorities are doing is removing known errors." CT
And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth,
Genesis 1:21