Friday, July 27, 2012

Creation Moment 7/28/2012 - When "evolution" really isn't "evolution"

"Science Daily reported on a study out of Cornell University that showed the same mutation occurring in four orders of insects, conferring resistance to plant toxins called cardenolides. “This is truly a remarkable level of evolutionary repeatability and suggests that evolving resistance to the plant toxin had very few effective options,” lead research Anurag Agrawal said, hinting that evolution might in some way be predestined. But as Dr. Michael Behe argued, single point mutations, even double mutations, lie within the “Edge of Evolution” and can thus be explained by chance. Insects gaining the mutation will survive and proliferate because the cardenolides will no longer bind to enzymes required by the insects’ sodium pump. 
The insects are still the same species, however. They have not generated any novel genetic information, let alone a new irreducibly complex structure. Point mutations cannot explain the origin of the sodium pump and the enzyme in the first place. At best, this mutation represents a loss of genetic information that happened to help the insects escape death, so it falls in the category of “cutting of a hand makes you immune to handcuffs” – hardly a mechanism that can generate the diverse and c0mplex wonders of the living world." CEH
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
Genesis 1:24