Thursday, July 19, 2012

Creation Moment 7/20/2012 - "Frankenstein Germ"

"The researchers have resurrected a 500-million-year-old gene and inserted it into a modern E Coli bacteria.
The 'Frankenstein' germ has thrived. In the lab, the creation has now lived through 1,000 generations. The scientists hope to find out whether the 'ancient' bacteria will evolve the same way it did 'first time round' - or whether it will evolve into a different, new organism.
‘This is as close as we can get to rewinding and replaying the molecular tape of life,’ said scientist Betül Kaçar, a NASA astrobiology postdoctoral fellow in Georgia Tech. The new 'chimeric' bacteria has mutated rapidly - and some have become stronger and healthier than today's germs. ‘The ability to observe an ancient gene in a modern organism as it evolves within a modern cell allows us to see whether the evolutionary trajectory once taken will repeat itself or whether a life will adapt following a different path.’
‘The altered organism wasn’t as healthy or fit as its modern-day version, at least initially,’ said Gaucher, ‘and this created a perfect scenario that would allow the altered organism to adapt and become more fit as it accumulated mutations with each passing day.’
The growth rate eventually increased and, after the first 500 generations, the scientists sequenced the genomes of all eight lineages to determine how the bacteria adapted." UK Mail Online

Uhmmm....this IS NOT evolution...defined as macro-evolution (what people think of when they hear "evolution")...Instead it is what is termed Natural Selection or micro-evolution...In other words, the bacteria is STILL BACTERIA no matter how many generations it "mutates"..... or "adapts".
This article is an example of how evolutionists can be deceptive in their presentations to the public.

Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.
Acts 15:18