Thursday, June 28, 2012

So What IS Theology?

"Theology is the first activity of thinking and speaking about God (theologizing),

 and second the product of that activity (Luther’s theology, or Wesley’s,etc.)

As an activity, theology is a cradle of interrelated though distinct disciplines:
elucidating texts (exegesis),
synthesizing what they say on things they deal with (biblical theology),
 seeing how the faith was stated in the past (historical theology),
formulating it for today (systematic theology),
finding its implications for conduct (ethics),
commending and defending it as truth and wisdom (apologetics),
stockpiling resources for life in Christ (spirituality)
and corporate worship (liturgy),
and exploring ministry (practical theology). " Concise Theology

Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.
Hebrews 13:9