Friday, June 8, 2012

Rasalama-Martyr of Madagascar

Rasalama was a teenage pagan girl, baptized a Christian in Madagascar in 1831. When Ranavalona came to the throne as queen, she started a bloody persecution of Christians in Madagascar. Throughout her reign, it is estimated that up to 1/3 of her country perished....

Rasamala was rounded up and handed over to a relative who beat her. She is reported to have said If so much is due to an earthly sovereign, is no obedience to be paid to the authority of the supreme Lord of all?’

The queen was told and ordered her execution. She was chained so as to cause pain overnight then led out in the morning to be put to death. She sang hymns as she went, and it was said of the people that she was using witchcraft. At the place she knelt down to pray, asking forgiveness for her persecuters. She was then speared through the back and heart.

She had sent a letter to a missionary, which she closed with these words of Scripture- Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15