Tuesday, June 19, 2012

POLL - 17% of "Christians" believe in ghosts? Huh?

"A new Pew religious poll, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, finds that many practicing American Christians believe in ghosts,... The poll shows that 18% of Americans believe to have been in the presence of a ghost. With the strong influence of Christianity and its teaching that "the holy ghost" conceived a child with a Jewish teen-age girl, it's not too surprising that some Americans do believe in ghosts." Examiner.com "From 1996 to 2009, the percent of Americans who claim to have seen or been in the presence of a ghost has risen from 9% to 18%. It also means that one in five voters believes in ghosts." BusinessInsider 18% - Boo! "Nearly one-in-five adults (18%) say they have seen or been in the presence of ghosts. Among Christians, the proportion is essentially identical (17%), a Pew Forum survey finds." Pew
    I will also oppose anyone who resorts to dead spirits or spirits of divination and faithlessly follows those things. I will cut such an individual off from their people.  
Leviticus 20:6 CEB