Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pneumatology of David Yonggi Cho & his 4th Dimension Theology (beware)

The Pneumatology (doctrine of the Holy Spirit) by David Yonggi Cho is very close to being pantheistic. He wrongly believes that one can manipulate the Holy Spirit and the power of the Spirit. He believes that glossolalia (gibberish) is speaking in tongues rather than the Biblical definition which is xenolalia (foriegn languages) for missionary work....
And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
Acts 2:8
His South Koreaan Church (considered the largest in the world, claiming over 1,000,000) has a
5 fold gospel:

  • The gospel of regeneration,
  • The gospel of the fullness of the Holy Spirit,
  • The gospel of divine healing,
  • The gospel of blessing, and
  • The gospel of the advent.

  • 4th Dimension of Cho---(Sounds like pantheistic----psycho-babel)
    "Cho teaches that Christians can get anything they want by calling upon the spirit world in the "fourth dimension" and envisioning (visualizing) their felt needs, no matter how crass and gross.
    Cho teaches that
    @ positive thinking,
    @ positive speaking, and
    @ positive visualization
    are the keys to success, and that anyone can literally "incubate" and give birth to physical reality by creating a vivid image in his or her mind and focusing upon it." C&MF

    Cho says: "The subconscious is your spirit … you may wonder how we can incubate our subconscious … the only way for us to incubate is through our imaginations, through our visions and our dreams … visions and dreams are the language of the fourth dimension, and the Holy Spirit communicates through them. Only through a vision and a dream can you visualize and dream bigger churches .."(The Fourth Dimension, pp. 42-44)

    Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.
    Jeremiah 23:16