Monday, June 11, 2012

IN the NEWS - "Keep Sunday Special" Movement in Britain

The "Keep Sunday Special" movement in the UK is trying to do just that-keep Sunday as a day with as little business as possible going on. One of the arguments is tht it is a time for "families", etc.  One can see possible arguments used when the mark of the beast is implemented...among possible arguments..
It should be pointed out that in the early part of the first decade of this century, here in America, a group of environmental activists purposed to ban non-essential work on Sunday in order to cut down on gas usage, etc. for the "environment". Their reasoning was that since people go to church on Sunday, it would be a good day to set aside. (Of course the purposal went nowhere).
So you can see a possible reason by even many atheistic types for setting aside Sunday in the future.
But we all know what day is truly the SABBATH....

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:
Exodus 20:10