Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Brian Tamaki denies resurrection and claims all Christians are "Jesus"

From Cultwatch- "In May 2010 Brian Tamaki preached a sermon as part of a series called "Activating Christ Within You". In this sermon he dropped two doctrinal bombshells, blasting Destiny Church off its orthodox foundations and landing it firmly in the realm of the cults. Brian taught in this sermon that God revealed to him that Jesus did not have a bodily resurrection, and that all Christians are actually Jesus. In the following paragraphs we'll look in detail at what Brian said, and then compare Brian's teachings to scripture and orthodox Christianity.
Brian obviously knew that he was breaking with orthodox Christianity when he admitted he had been softening up his congregation for a year beforehand, to get them ready to accept what was coming in this sermon.
"You must get out of your mind that, that Jesus Christ is now, ah, is still Jesus of Nazareth. To whom he was. But Jesus of Nazareth did not come out of the tomb. The flesh Jesus died in the tomb."
"So, so Jesus of Nazareth had to put off his flesh body, so the Christ that was always there could now be a life giving spirit."
So Brian Tamaki is teaching that Jesus' body was not resurrected, that His body did not come out of the tomb, and Jesus had to put off His "flesh body" so Jesus could be spirit only. Well that would be a surprise to Jesus, because after His resurrection..." Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. John 20:27