Saturday, June 9, 2012

Are Jehovah Witnesses are CULT? U Decide....

Here is a list of JW beliefs..........

They believe Jesus is not God, but is the Archangel Michael - the first being created by God.
Actually, Michael is another name for Christ in scripture, but He is not the "literal" first born of God...He has always existed eternally.

They deny that God is a Trinity.
Here the JW are totally WRONG. The Godhead are the Father, Son & Holy Spirit
They believe Jesus died on a stake, rather than a cross.
I personally disagree with them on this, but they are entitled to their opinion, it isn't a "salvic" issue...
They deny that Jesus rose bodily from the dead.
W-R-O-N-G JW, the JW blew it big time on this one
They believe that only 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses will go to heaven. The rest will live forever in a paradise on Earth, never meeting the person who died for them - Jesus Christ.
Here, they totally disregard the clear teaching of Revelation-almost as much as the "secret rapture" crowd does with the ERRONEOUS idea that the 144,000 are literally 144,000 Jews....
They believe that salvation is impossible outside of the Watchtower.
Sort of like Catholicism that believes salvation is by the sacraments of the CHURCH?
They are not allowed to question the Watchtower leadership or teaching.
O.K.-This is a bit cultic if taken to the EXTREME

They have just changed a major Watchtower prediction that the end of the world would come before the generation of Witnesses born before 1914 died.
Yes they have... changing your eschatology in light of Biblical truth is one thing, constantly changing it all the time is another....

They used to forbid any vaccinations or organ transplants, even to save lives.
I disagree with them...but that's their business

They are encouraged to visit homes for at least 10 hours per month distributing Watchtower materials.
..."ecouraged" is fine, but mandatory would be a little much-a little cultic
They use their own special translation of the Bible which mistranslates the original texts.
A bit cultic I would say...but again, their business

They are not allowed to be in the army.
Well if they are pacifists, that is their right as freedom of religion, not a cultic position to be fair
They are not allowed to celebrate birthdays.
The reason is they believe b-days are of a pagan origin

They are not allowed to celebrate Christmas
Here they are correct-the traditional Christmas date is totally pagan...Much paganism entered Christianity in the early days of the Roman Empire and seeped through into Protestantism via the Catholic Church....So here, the JW are simply being pure and intellectually honest

So are they a "CULT"? You decide, but in general, by at least denying the resurrection you could make the case they are not really a "Christian" denomination...
Allow me to also say, there are many good people in the JW and they get bashed enough, but still, their theology is WRONG...
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:9