Wednesday, May 30, 2012

One Wrong Act

"No truth does the Bible set forth in clearer light than the peril of even one departure from the right-peril both to the wrong doer and to all whom his influence shall reach. Example has wonderful power; The strongest bulwark of vice in our world is not the iniquitous life of the abandoned sinner... it is the life which appears virtuous, honorable, and noble, but in which one sin is fostered, one vice indulged. To the soul that is struggling in secret against some giant temptation, trembling upon the very verge of the precipice, such an example is one of the most powerful enticemeents to sin. This is why God has given so many examples showing the results of even one wrong act." Education p.150 E.G.W.
What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. Romans 6:15