Saturday, May 12, 2012

Creation Moment 5/12/2012 - Origen (an early so-called Church father) & his view of Creation

Origen had  very strange view......
Strange View of Origen
"Origen interpreted the Christian doctrine of creation as follows: in the beginning was the spiritual world of rational creatures, absorbed in the contemplation of God. Two possible explanations are put forward by Origen for the first ‘fall’. The souls either became satiated with the contemplation of the divine and became bored and so fell away from God. Alternatively, he reasoned using the etymology of the word for soul (psuche) that the intelligences moved away from the warmth of God’s presence and became cold (psuchos). The cooling caused the intelligences to become souls, but their ultimate form depended up their degree of ‘cooling,’ in a descending order. It might be represented in a simplified form as shown below. The position of these rational creatures was not static, as Origen conceived that eventually every rational creature would be saved and returned to its original state of contemplative union with God, even the Devil. “For the end is always like the beginning”. The perceptible and terrestrial world was created by God to house the fallen rational beings until they should return to their original status. Many people make the mistake of assuming that because Origen taught the pre-existent fall of rational beings that he also denied the historicity of Adam as an individual. It is equally inaccurate to argue that he viewed Adam’s fall as being merely symbolic of the fall of every man’s soul. The story of Adam and Eve in Origen’s thought represented a second fall. .........
It seems logical to conclude that Origen should not be taken as a model of how modern Christians should interpret Genesis." Creationism & the early church
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,  2 Peter 2:1