Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wang Mingdao--Chinese Christian Hero

Wang mingdao was born in China in 1900 and died in 1991. He became a Christian at age 14. His moment that led to his calling is when he went out to the countryside and read the Bible through 6 times!!!
He founded a church and his focus was on living a pure life. He opposed the church being active in politics (amen). He didn't like very much the missionaries who were bringing a form of "liberal" Christianity which questioned some of the Bible (amen Wang). He also opposed the Pentecostals and their dancing, clapping and supposed speaking in tongues which Wang called "repetitive nonsense sounds" (amen Wang).
He refused to join the Japanese during their occupation of China. Later he refused to join the state church of communist China and was imprisoned and tortued. He signed a statement-but then recanted. He remained in prison until 1979.
He was married to Liu Jingwen.
Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.
Psalm 112:11