Monday, April 2, 2012

Creation Moment 4/3/2012 - Epigenetics throws Monkey Wrench into the face of Evolution

"Since the discovery of DNA’s structure and function as the carrier of genetic information in the 1950s, most evolutionary work has concerned mutations and natural selection on DNA alone. A major new monkey wrench has come into focus in the last decade: Epigenetics – heritable information and processes that lie beyond DNA." CEH
"Undeniably, the intelligent-design movement is at biology's cutting edge. Last year, Discovery Institute senior fellow Jonathan Wells published The Myth of Junk DNA describing the many functions that have been discovered for non-coding DNA, formerly dismissed in Darwinian circles as mere "junk." His Discovery Institute colleague, evolutionary biologist Richard Sternberg, has developed what may be the next frontier for ID. Sternberg's argument holds that, far more than biology has been willing to publicly admit so far, animal body plans and other features of life are determined by information sources that lie outside of DNA itself." EN&V

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
declare, if thou hast understanding.
Job 38:4