Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Christian Doctors

Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you. Colossians 4:14

"The work of the Christian physician does not end with healing the maladies of the body; his efforts should extend to the diseases of the mind, to the saving of the soul....the duties of the physician are arduous. Few realize the mental and physical strain to which he is subjected....Many, knowing how trying are these duties of the physician and how few opportunities physicians have for release from care, even upon the Sabbath, will not choose this for their lifework. But the great enemy is constantly seeking to destroy the workmanship of God's hands, and men of culture and intelligence are called upon to to combat his cruel power. More of the right kind of men are needed to devote themselves to this profession." Testimonies for the Church vol.5, p.443,446 E.G.W.