Friday, April 13, 2012

(April Showers) Global Flood # 14

In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;
Genesis 7:13

@ The "African Eve" is what the first woman is called by evolutionists, the mother of all living that we trace back to genetically when they trace back the genetic clock through mt DNA.

@ The "Adam-Y Chromosome" is what the call the common ancestor of all living males on the planet when they trace back to it.

@ A "Bottleneck" in Genetics is when one traces back and can tell when a population thinned out and re-expanded. The whole human race junder went what evolutionists call the "Great Bottleneck". Some kind of major catastrophe nearly wiped out the human race.

@ The "Adam-Y Chromosome" cans AFTER the "African Eve" in DNA lineage research. The "Adam-Y Chromosome" traces back to the "Great Bottleneck" of the human race.

@ Latest research shows that there are only 3 lineages of through mt DNA stretching back to the "Great Bottleneck". In other words-only 3 female lines that we all trace back to during the "Great Bottleneck".

Uhm....I'm looking at the scientific data and I see the wives of SHEM, HAM & JAPHETH...And also, maybe the "Adam-Y Chromosome" should be re-named the "Noah-Y Chromosome". Since Noah survived the "Great Bottleneck".

Quick Definition of mtDNA: "The mitochondria is a structure inside the cell that is responsible for energy production. The mitochondria is passed with a strict maternal inheritance, meaning that mothers pass their mtDNA to all of their children, but only the daughters will pass it to the next generation."  Gene Tree

Quick Definition of the Y-Chromosome: "A chromosome is the structure in which DNA is packaged. Individuals normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes (for a total of 46). 22 pairs are called the autosomal chromosomes, and the 23rd pair is the sex chromosomes (two X chromosomes for females and one X chromosome and one Y chromosome for males). Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) has a strict paternal inheritance, meaning that it is passed from father to son, and is useful in researching your paternal line." Gene Tree