Friday, March 30, 2012

SCAM ALERT-"Prophet" Manasseh Jordan

From Christian Research Service

"As the story goes, a man studies the writings of popular modern-day prophets, watches their shows on TV, attends their crusades, and mimics their methods. Behind the scenes, the man is groomed and conditioned to carry on the promises of financial prosperity, healing, and prophetic declarations to anyone who would lend an ear. In time, the man would step into the public eye and claim to be a prophet of God.
 Thousands come from far and near to see the prophet, standing outside for hours in the rain, heat, and cold. Once inside, they rush to purchase the prophet's DVDs, CDs, shiny trinkets, and autographed books and photos.
 Afterwards, they push and shove their way into the auditorium, where the atmosphere is electrically-charged with noise and excitement.
 The choir bellows soul-stirring songs through huge amplifiers positioned front and rear of the building. Giant TV screens border each side of the stage.
 Assistants and medical personnel stand ready on the main floor. Hurried hearts pound with emotion and anticipation. Restless and tear-filled eyes focus on center-stage, awaiting the prophet's entrance.
 Unmoved by the commotion and fanfare, the prophet's bodyguards, catchers, and VIPs file aimlessly from the rear of the stage and take their seats.
 But where is the prophet? the crowd wonders.
  On cue, the prophet boldly struts to center-stage, groomed and manicured from head to toe, strong-willed and brimming with king-like charm and poise. Shouting and ear-deafening applause fills the auditorium. The prophet grins and prances back-and-forth across his stage, commanding the attention of all, then stops. He lifts his hands high and shouts to announce the grand entrance of a powerful healing presence in the building.
 Upon the prophet's command, hundreds rush the stage to claim their healing, to possess a morsel of the prophet's anointing, and to submerge their hearts and minds in the prophet's authority and influence.
 Under close scrutiny from the prophet's medical staff, the sick and dying stand in line waiting, hoping to be examined and judged worthy of being chosen to appear in the prophet's presence.
 Hundreds come, but few are chosen.
 Those who are approved, those who look and sound legitimate, will be used to motivate and stimulate the audience. They anxiously await their turn to gaze into the prophet's eyes, and to be seen and touched by the prophet. When their moment finally arrives, their minds go blank, their bodies go limp, they feel the bolts of electricity surge through their bodies.
 And with a breath from the prophet's mouth or wave of his hand, they fall backwards to the stage floor, some softly, others violently, shaking out of control, as if manipulated on strings dangling from a giant, invisible puppeteer.
 It is then when the sick and dying are under the prophet's complete control. Eventually, when the adrenalin subsides, when the consuming euphoria fades away, the torment of reality sets in, and the sick and dying depart the crusade in the same manner they arrived...sick and dying.
 The story is all too common, but in a different time, and with a different face. You may have seen him on-stage with Benny Hinn, prophesying over people, revealing their innermost thoughts, and pronouncing people healed through his prophetic words. He is Yakim Manasseh Jordan, son of E. (Elijah) Bernard Jordan, the new kid on the hyper-Charismatic block, and rising star within the Word of Faith movement."

"Prophet Manasseh is the picture of everything his doting, charismatic father would be proud of. He’s a special child. His birth was prophesied. He was called by name before he was even formed in the womb.Manasseh Jordan’s birth was prophesied by Toufik Benedictus Hinn."

Compare these frauds like the "prophet" Manasseh Jordan with how Christ operated: From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say,
@ Repent:
@ for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.  Matthew 4:17