Friday, March 2, 2012

Creation Moment 3/3/2012 - Size of Universe, Red Shift & Geometry of the Universe

He hath made the earth by his     power,
he hath established the world by his     wisdom,
and hath stretched out the heavens by his     discretion.
Jeremiah 10:12

Possible GEOMETRIC shapes of Universe
"While you'll sometimes hear "Galaxy X is flying away from us at half the speed of light", what it really means is that "the distance between us and Galaxy X is increasing at half the speed of light." At the same time, as light travels through the universe, the wavelengths get stretched. This means that the cosmological redshift is really a measure of how much the universe has expanded since the light left the source. This is a subtle distinction, perhaps annoyingly so, but important." WS

Hmmmm....Does "stretched out the heavens" in Jer. 10:12 refer to RedShift? Just asking...

Spiral Galaxy M101 has a TRILLION Stars