Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Creation Moment 3/22/2012 - Creator Vs. the Shrink

"A new sin book by Michael Laham (psychologist at the University of Melbourne). The title surely attracts attention: The Joy of Sin: The Psychology of the Seven Deadlies (And Why They Are So Good For You). Laham says go ahead and indulge: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, anger, envy, pride – all the vices the Good Book warns us about – are not only pleasurable but beneficial." CEH
Table of Contents
1 Lust: bras, benevolence and better grades
3 Greed: buying happiness, hard work and self-reliance
4 Sloth: slow, lazy and asleep wins the race
5 Anger: the positive negative emotion
6 Envy: how wanting what others have makes you happier, smarter and more creative
7 Pride: that which cometh before quite a lot of good stuff

So the Shrink says to sin-but what does the Creator say?For the wages of sin is death; Romans 6:23